1. When are HOA Dues payable?

HOA dues should be paid as soon as possible after January 1. Dues not received by April 1, may incur a late fee.

2. Where do I mail my HOA Dues?

Please send your dues payment to Jeff Baer at 20 Oconee Woods Trail. Please make your check payable to the Oconee Woods HOA.

3. What are the most common violations of the HOA Covenants?

The Oconee Woods HOA Board are making an effort to reduce the number of covenant infraction notices/maintenance reminders. Please review the following, as these are the most frequent infractions regarding the Oconee Woods HOA By-laws and Covenants. Reducing the number of infraction notices reduces the amount of money needed to produce and send them.

    • Allowing pets to become a nuisance - please keep your pets on your property and do not allow them to roam freely.

    • Animal Fecal Matter - leaving your animals' feces in public places is against ordinance;

    • Driveway Maintenance - we suggest power washing or using Simple Green in conjunction with a sweep brush;

    • Exterior Home Maintenance - removal of debris, trash, garbage, damage to home exterior, garage door damage & cleaning of home siding;

    • Lawn Maintenance - lawns should be kept tidy and shrubs & trees should be pruned as needed to maintain a neat appearance.

    • Mailbox Maintenance - clean any mold, algae or dirt from the mailbox or its enclosure.

  • Boats, Trailers, and RVs - Boats, RVs, and trailers are to be kept out-of-site in a garage, behind the main dwelling, or in an off-site storage facility.

    • Trash Containers - please make sure that your trash containers are out of sight after the trash as been picked up that day.

4. Can boats be used in the neighborhood lakes?

Yes, as long as the boat does not have a motor and is launched from your property or the Common Area. Boats cannot be stored on the lake or at the Common Area.